Naha, Prefettura di Okinawa
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Sells mostly:
29% Music
22% Household
17% Home Decor
9% Everything Else
About Pietro:
Hello, I'm Pietro, Italian living in Naha. I love European vintage goods and - if you don't live on the Moon - I can deliver them with my super-power 50 cc. scooter. You may be surprised by the amount of goods I put on sale. During my previous life, until a few years ago, I used to sell at flea markets. Getting older, carrying heavy boxes up-and-down slippery staircases at 5 a.m. is not for me anymore. I hope to be able to get rid of the whole circus I accumulated before the end of this life.
I am also an addicted vinyl records collector, so I sell music to pay my expensive vice.
THANK YOU very much and ciao!
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